Grass Snake project Wuppertal, Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany
In overcrowded urban regions today there only remains
the possibility of creating and equipping habitat spaces according to the
necessities of the Grass Snake, as far as known, in order to compensate
the negative influences.
Summary from: Eckstein, H.-P. [1993]. Lebensraumveränderungen
und Schutz der Ringelnatter im Bergischen Land - In: Gruschwitz, Kornacker,
Podloucky, Völkl & Waitzmann (Ed.): Mertensiella, vol.. 3, Verbreitung,
Ökologie und Schutz der Schlangen Deutschlands und angrenzender Gebiete,
Bonn: 199-210 p.
Last Update 24.12.2000